Building Safer Sites Together


About Us 

The Midland Construction Safety Association was formed in December 1966 at the instigation of Mr W Brittain-Jones, H.M. District Inspector of Factories.  As it was known in those days “The North Midlands Safety Supervisors Circle” was borne.  

The Factory Inspectorate realised that it would be advantageous if those newly appointed safety officers in the construction industry could meet informally with their local Inspectors to discuss common issues.  This move was welcomed by the industry representatives and the forum has continued to flourish over the years.

The MCSA is affiliated to SGUK and is one of the few safety forums that focuses on the construction industry.  We continue to have close links with local HSE construction inspectors who attend on a regular basis. 

The Association is non-profit making and levies a small annual subscription charge (currently £40 per member) to cover operational costs.  Any surplus money accrued is donated to charity. So far we have donated to the Midlands Air Ambulance Service, Macmillan Cancer Support and the Derby Stroke Group.

Our current membership list is in excess of 80 members and comprises an assortment of representatives of contractors, county and district councils and independent safety consultants.   Meetings are informal and members find the gathering an ideal opportunity to share problems and seek help and guidance from colleagues.

At each meeting we aim to have at least one guest speaker introducing a topical subject. Our programme may be viewed on the next page.

Members may bring along guests free of charge. 

For further information and joining instructions contact the committee on our "Contact us" page. Please make known your contact details to ensure a reply.



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Next meeting: 

TUESDAY 13th August 2024 at 10:00am

at Edwinstowe House, Edwinstowe, NG21 9PR

Future meetings: 

08/10/24Bowmer + Kirkland High Edge Court, Church Street, Heage, Belper, DE56 2BW
11/02/25Bowmer + Kirkland

Meetings are held on alternate months with each meeting commencing at 10.00a.m. and concluding at lunchtime. 

Please note: Anyone wishing to contact the secretary via the "Contacts" page must state their contact details in order to receive a response.

New members are welcome.


💻 Please follow/like/share our other social media pages to increase our reach and influence across UK workplaces.

Linked In: 


Twitter: @midconsafety




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